GEN-155: Enzo

Owned by Spectre1146

In the meadows of Eniv Lives a rogue Ortusi and his name is Enzo

Enzo used to be a part of a great herd but he would always stary from the others, eventually he fell into a deep love for a gorgeous Ortusi mare, he got close to her, they were best friends for a long time and their friendship brought Enzo closer to the herd. but when it came time for Enzo to ask this gorgeous girl the most important question ever, her father denied approval and introduced his daughter to a very handsome Ortusi stallion who took her and made her his. Enzo wantong her back, went and cr=onfronted the stallion, they gought and Enzo was winning but in the last minute the stallion overpowered him and cast him out....