GEN-275: Brina

Owned by KingGanseyIII

Brina never felt right in the body which she was given. Her white hair seemed like it needed to grow to her legs, to be donned with the flowers and plants her fellow ortusi adorned their manes with. Tried as she might, her tail never seemed to lift as high and it should-never held proud enough. Until she realized she could be something better. It didn't matter what she was born as, she could put flowers in her hair, she could grow her hair long, she could name her self. So, she chose the name Brina, and when she did, she could finally lift her tail with pride, like the Ortusi around her, she could be one of them, and herself. Always itching for a fight, when the life of adventure was offered to her by two Lunaesi during the fire festival, she jumped at the chance and joined their quest for knowledge.

Brina is strong willed, the bravest of the bunch. She isn't as sharp in the mind department as her compatriots, but she vastly makes up for it in strength, and fighting skills. Trained in traditional Ortusi fighting, she knows where shes weakest, and relies on her teammates to pick up her slack. She is stoic and static, and can be seen as stubborn at times. She sees other's curiosity as foolish, and would much rather they take the simple way through situtations.

Brina travels with the two Lunaesi who offered her an adventure in the first place, Roland Flitt(profile), his boyfriend Darius Swells(profile), and the ghost like Vespiri, Ryuu(profile).

Pronouns: She/Her(transgender)

Sexuality: Lesbian

Birthday: July 22nd

Last name: None

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