A Little Close for Comfort

In Prompts ・ By Sycamorre
2 Favorites ・ 2 Comments

Tiernan did not like the crowds, he always felt like he was in the way of the smaller Enivi. But the celebration was tradition, and even he would make the trek in order to meet up with both friend an family alike. But as they entered the temple, it was hard to miss the whispers from the ones who were tending it. Turns out, that a few stray souls had wandered off towards the woods at the outskirts of the city and there was concern that they would become lost. The temple's tender was asking around, trying to see if there was anyone who was comfortable going out into the night and finding the missing souls. Somehow, Tiernan was one of the Enivi conscripted to go on this venture. Not to gather souls, necessarily, but to accompany the ones who would take the lanterns out to lead the souls back to the city. The Ortusi's larger frame and martial experience made him an ideal choice to ward off any dangers that might follow them in the dark.

However, as fate would have it, as he was bringing up the rear and keeping an eye out for shadows at the edge of the treeline, one of the wandering souls slowly floated out of the forest, slowly approaching him. Tiernan froze where he was, unsure what to do as the soul came to rest right in front of his head, gently bobbing up and down in the air. He considered calling out towards the group, but they were still going ahead and he would have had to yell in order to get their attention. Instead, he took a deep breath and turned back to the soul, who he could swear was watching him, almost expectantly.

"Well, come on then. The lanterns are up ahead. That's probably what you're looking for. Will you... come with me, I guess?"

A low, melodic hum is the only response that Tiernan receives from the soul, and it begins to float around him. He watches in confusion, not sure what to make of it as the entity rises and dips down, weaving in and out of his limbs as if it were... trying to play?

Tiernan shook his head, then began to walk forwards again. The soul kept pace with him, still circling and gliding next to him. He picked up speed, settling into a steady trot in order to catch up with the rest of the group, and his new companion did the same. He almost wanted to chuckle at the sight by this point. Maybe even the souls of Enivi long gone just want to go out and play sometimes.

A Little Close for Comfort
2 ・ 2
In Prompts ・ By Sycamorre

Tiernan's first full image, for the Guiding Lights Celebration prompt "Temple Trouble".

Submitted By Sycamorre for Temple TroubleView Favorites
Submitted: 3 years agoLast Updated: 3 years ago

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OakAntlers Avatar
OakAntlers Staff Member
I can't believe I didn't comment on this piece. I love it so much.

2021-10-31 18:17:45

Sycamorre Avatar
c: Thank you!

2021-10-31 23:12:56

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