[LunaeFest2] Journey to the Spring

In Prompts ・ By Medd-Lee
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Argo walked towards the spring as asked, steps calm and even as the lights of the temple faded behind them. The sound of the festival lingered long after the Vespiri had left eyesight, before the nighttime quiet really set in. The directions they'd been given ran through their head again as they continued on. They knew where they were going, but wanted to make sure again.

It was quiet now, and Argo continued to walk at an even pace, enjoying the night air and letting the gentle breeze ruffle their carefully styled hair. Irisha would ask where they'd been once the crew reassembled. All that work she put in, for Argo to go on a quest - Argo knew that the captain wouldn't mind, though she might tease a little.  The gentle glowing of their hair followed them through the night, providing a space of safety in the loneliness. Argo walked on, wondering about the festival they'd just left behind - what they might be missing, what they might have left behind. Somewhere, they knew their crewmates Gauge and Consus had found a treat to share with their brand new little one as they watched the stars. Killian was probably off trying to find something to do, too - he was brilliant with stars, and would have finished early most likely. Argo hadn't seen him when they left. Maybe he had gone off on a task too? Perhaps he had gone back to check that all of the cargo had been properly delivered, or maybe he went to find the captain...

Argo looked up their path now, repeating the directions once more.  They scanned the trees ahead, a small copse of them that helped break the air rolling through. this was in the directions, definitely, so they kept on. Not far now, it seems. 

The aurora caught their eye as they stepped into a more open space, and for the first time they slowed, looking up. The stars were beautiful, mesmerizing - brilliant. The colors danced in a way that gave them a rush of soft, breathless awe. They had looked before, in the city, but this was brilliant. With absolutely nothing to dim them, the lights ahead felt more like the magic the Astrologist was talking about.  A chill ran through their fur, causing it to stand up. They had come to a stop now, peering wide-eyed at the stars. Argo knew that each of them was a guide, someone watching for their safety. It was comforting, and yet it made them feel small. 

After a long moment staring upwards, Argo tore themself away from the sight, shaking their head gently to get back on focus. They repeated the directions again, and looked around. The springs should be coming up any minute. They could almost hear them, they thought - Argo lifted one of their ears to listen in a bit closer, but couldn't quite tell if the sound was there or not. They began to walk again, settling back into their even pace, mind swirling gently with thoughts floating gently in the colors of the aurora. The ground was cold here, and Argo realized finally they had been walking in snow. It was progressively more beautiful up here. They blow hot breath into a cloud in the air, and take a deep breath of stinging cold.  Their ears finally zone in on the sound of the spring, and they turn to look. Their eyes find a gentle shimmer,  which they wander towards. The spring becomes visible slowly, glowing softly. The spring clearly has been just as mesmerized by the sky as Argo - the magic flowing through both of them. 

Argo's hooves come to a rest at the bank, and they stare into the waters - the shining light momentarily hypnotizing them again. They brought the jar up to the water, gently dipping it below the surface, letting the water fill up to the brim slowly, not wanting to leave the moment. 


To be continued

[LunaeFest2] Journey to the Spring
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In Prompts ・ By Medd-Lee
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Submitted By Medd-Lee for The Clock Strikes 9 | Part 2View Favorites
Submitted: 3 years agoLast Updated: 3 years ago

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