pain filled wishing
Sky walks outside as the Starfall event starts, watching the streaks of color fly across the sky. She thinks back on everything she's done… on her own, with her herd of friends, and with those she lost… especially those she lost. She looks into a mirror, seeing the black tar that stains her face and her soul which is now corrupted, tasting a bittered anger on her tongue.
“I wish I was stronger, I wish I could protect my friends better… I wish… I wish…”
She starts crying, survivor’s syndrome has taken its effect since what happened to Lune and Aster, especially with the nightmares playing in her head as she sleeps. She's been hiding from everyone when she can, leaving her friends worried but unable to ask her what's causing the pain she feels.
“I dont… i dont want my friends to all die…. But how am I supposed to stop that when I'm so powerless…”
She looks to the forest’s edge as she hears what one could guess where hooves… maybe it was an enivi, but she couldn't see a soul glowing throw the swelling of tar and tears, or a bodily glow like one of Fox’s relatives described the undead to have when controlled by the necromancer.
Against Sky’s judgment, she dismisses it as an animal of the forest… She grew tired as she walked back to bed, looking to the forest one last time before going to sleep.
this was written based on the necromancer curse trait, leaving the end more open to work wether or not she ends up with it!
this is also the only prompt to explicetly take place after the events of helping Lune and Aster.
Submitted By DemonHearts
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago
OakAntlers Staff Member
Hey DH!
Beautifully written piece!
I did just want to clear up a little bit of an adjustment with your Star Shards so there wasn't any confusion. The Character Multiplier is applied when characters are active participants in a story (when they have meaningful dialogue, action, and push the plot along in some way), so it wouldn't apply here because this is a piece of Sky reflecting on the events that occured.
This is still a wonderful and emotional prose!
If you have any questions, you know where to find me!
2024-02-03 08:44:10
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