Not THIS!!
Placing the map piece against the others, they discovered it led through this temple. Could it be… a prize, perhaps? They’d undertaken this with the understanding that there may be nothing here, or just some little festival get together, but… there wasn’t anyone else. If this was a party, why weren’t there more people?
“Should we get Consus?” Gauge asked, glancing at her kid.
Irisha furrowed her brow a bit, confused about the whole situation. She wanted to offer an explanation why, but she just couldn’t come up with the words. There was magic here. A LOT of magic. Her curse called her towards it, but resisting that took all her concentration.
“Irisha? What is it?”
“Magic…” is all Irisha managed, before taking another step forward. And another.
Gauge followed, taking Moth onto her own back, but not abandoning Irisha out of concern. Along the way she grabbed a heavy rock and levitated it beside her, ready. She flicked her ears around, but whatever Irisha was following was silent… for now.
Irisha stopped trying to resist the call, but her mind whirled. What could be this strong? Wasit the last piece of the map? Shy would that be so magical? And… how long had she been drawn to magic like this?
Left, right, back down the same hall until the call was stronger again, then through another passage. Irisha wasn’t sure she knew how to get out, but she couldn’t seem to resist going in. This better not be another curse, she had enough of those already…
Soon, the heat hit the trio.
“Irisha, we should turn back, get Moth to safety, then we can come back. Please, ser - ”
But Irisha had stopped.
Gauge nearly ran into the captain as she took in a deep breath, trying to hold it. Her eyes looked up, and gauge followed that gaze. Higher, higher… DRAGON!
Simultaneously, the two adults dodged to the sides of the doorway, recognizing the growl emanating form the not-so-silent creature. It let loose a torrent of flames, which gauge shielded Moth form as best she could. Irisha was shaken enough to draw her trident, and managed to speak.” The way out - it’s behind the dragon. We have to go through it.”
“Are you insane? Let’s follow the path back up-”
Another loud, low growl sounded from within the cave, but the dragon didn’t venture closer. Irisha thought for a moment, then replied, “We’re already here. I saw the door. I’ll go first, you take Moth and run.” She spun the trident with a determined gleam in her eye. “Don’t wait for me. If I die, I’ll send a message. I can't… leave whatever it's guarding without at least seeing it.”
“Irisha, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I’ve been blessed by the gods before. I’ll pray to them now. Ortus, protect my friends from this heat - I’ll face it for them. Lunae, guide my footfalls and bring your watchful eye to this place. Druae, give my friends your quiet step so they may leave this place unharmed. And Vesper… If I see you soon, I’ll relish the chance.”
“Captain, there has to be another way to -” but she was gone.
“GO!” the captain shouted from inside the room. Massive shuffling sounded as Gauge lifted another piece of rubble from the ground to hold over herself and Moth.
“Moth, if I fall, don’t stop, you hear me? I’ll catch up.”
“ADVENTURE!!” Moth yelled, and the pair charged into the room.
Irisha swiftly ran along a far wall, alternating between shield spells and trying to distract the creature with her trident. Not - as Gauge noted - trying to hurt the beast. Gauge ran, still, towards the door. She could tell, too, there was light through here. This door was DEFINITELY too small for the dragon… but would the Captain make it, too?
As gauge crashed through the doorway, she heard another mighty roar. Stopping to look back just a moment, smoke clouded the doorway. Then, Irisha came barreling through the debris, holding… something. Her magic flared and strained, but she pushed Gauge onwards. Quickly, the pair ran down the tunnel until they found the exit - daylight and jungle once more.
Panting, Irisha looked to her companions. “I’m… sorry for getting you in that mess… I’ll do better…”
Gauge turned and smacked Irisha across the shoulder lightly with a hoof. “You scared me!! And don’t let me bring Moth with us next time!” She scolded, trying to be light hearted. Fear and confusion clung to her chest, though. “What was so important?”
Irisha coughed up some dust, then from between her front legs she unfurled her prize - the last piece of the map. Was it… on fire?
“It’s not painful.”
“But… what is it?”
“Magic, I think…” she replied.
Moth pulled out the rest of the map and laid it on the ground, looking up expectantly.
Irisha looked ot gauge for permission, then began to place the last piece.
Well, here goes nothing…
Submitted By Medd-Lee
for Flames of Ortus: The Treasure Guardian
Submitted: 7 months ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months ago