Childhood Days - Shinra

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Even as a child, Shinra was always a bit of an odd bird, but was also fairly well liked. After all even if she liked to be by herself, she was always kind hearted. She wasn’t much for social interaction or playing, but if someone wanted to spend time with her, she was happy to oblige. She just never sought out that kind of companionship for herself. Her independence made her wise for her age, but was very worrisome for her parents, who felt like she was sure to get herself into trouble.

Her parents has planned a tripled to mirror lake with her aunts and uncles, to introduce their children to mirror lake, and to give them some fun splash time together. Shinra was much calmer than her cousins, watching as they playfully bucked and fought amongst themselves. She her one of her aunts as she leaned over to her mother. She couldn’t quite hear it but it was something about how she should be playing with the other kids. Her mother shook her head, explaining something Shinra couldn’t hear. Internally Shinra shrugged the conversation off, it didn’t matter to her much what other people thought, she was content to do things her way.

As the reached the lake, her cousins rushed forward ready to go play, despite knowing their parents wanted to talk to them first, to teach them out the lake, and it’s importance before letting them go off to play. Shinra waited patiently as her aunts and uncles rounded up their children. The world was interesting to her, and any opportunity to learn was an exciting opportunity to her. She hoped one day to learn as much she could about all of the places this world had to offer, and see as many of the different places there were for her to see.

She was content to sit and wait, until she saw one of her youngest cousins trip. She hopped up quickly, knowing she was closer to the cousin than the cousins parents, and ran over to them. As they started to sniffle, she nuzzled the top of their head. “It’s all right, it happens” she said quietly, the nudged her cousin to try and get them to get up. With a few more nudges, she fully helped her cousin to their feet, and walked them back to the adults. Has Shinra sat down in the grass to listen to her family’s education lesson, she found that her youngest cousin had come to sit down next to her. Shinra smiled and gave them a friendly nudge, then pointed it’s her noise at the adults, as if to gesture, “ shhhh listen”.

Shinra’s tail bobbed intently as she listened to the adults talk about the the mirror lake, and its importance. Her cousins however, she could see were growing restless, trying their best to contain their energy as they waited for the adults to finish. The youngest cousin kept looking over at Shinra, trying to understand what was going on in Shinra’s head. Ones the adults were finished, Shinra stood up, wanting to ask a few questions about the lake. She only made a few steps forward before her younger cousin called out to her. “Shiiiiinnrraa. Don’t you wanna come play with me?” Shinra looked at her cousins face and knew she couldn’t turn her down. Besides, she could always ask her mother or father any of the questions she has. She gave the cousin a small nod, and watched as the her cousin darted an off to the lakes edge. Shinra didn’t run, but followed at brisk pace. Her cousin looked up at her and grinned as they hastily splashed Shinra with water. Shinra laughed and splashed back, letting herself melt in the fun of the moment.

Childhood Days - Shinra
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In Literary Art ・ By Thereddestweasel
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Submitted By Thereddestweasel for Childhood Memories
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 days ago

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[Childhood Days - Shinra by Thereddestweasel (Literature)](


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