Thank You Discord Raffle Results, Scattered Seashells, and more!

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by admin


Good day everybody! 

We're hitting the final days before autumn breezes through and overtakes summer. As such, we've got some exciting news updates!




Thanks very much for your patience while we were short-staffed last week!

We're excited to announce the winners of our Thank You Discord Raffle! :D

The winner of the Ancient Sprout (Druaesi Character Slot) and Legendary trait is Wolfcat13!

To claim your rewards, please submit a claim or message us through ModMail on the Discord Server to let us know which Legendary Trait you'd like. Thanks to everyone who participated by submitting to the gallery while we were away!





The rushing waves have washed another round of Sea Shells ashore! There don't seem to be any riddles or hints with them this time, but those who are vigilant will find the shell scattered around the site.
Sea Shells



COmmunity raffle ongoing!

Finally, we'd like to close this news post with a reminder about our Community Raffle this month for Blue Tangy Royal Angelfish!

Getting a ticket for this raffle is easy! Just show your love for the community by creating a piece of gift art (visual or literary art) of another person's Enivi.
When you're finished, submit it to the raffle prompt here!

The raffle ends on September 2nd, so be sure to get your tickets in!




Site Updates

  • Behind the scenes we've got some new updates coming! 
  • Sophie's Shoppe redo is about 50% done!
  • The Fishing Update is ongoing and will be coming soon.
  • Beards and Rosettes will be available onsite soon! They're about 50% done as well. Keep an eye out for these new and updated traits!


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