Welcome Kickstarter Backers

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by OakAntlers


It's Time!

Welcome Kickstarter Backers!
It's time for early access to the site. We're working on getting the emails out and communicating with everyone about their rewards. There are a few notes we'd like to address for the game in early access;


August 1st (today) is the day we open for our Kickstarter backers.
We're expecting there to be a few fixes as far as bugs and quality of life updates during this period of higher player activity.
We'll also be adding in a few more features, genes, and accessories, though that's to be expected going forward for the life of the game.
In terms of staff, we'll be looking at the weight load of our current player base vs our expected player base and will hire as needed.

September 2nd we'll be opening for more members and continuing to do this in waves so we can adjust the gameplay, staff level, and economy as needed.

Going forward, we'll be doing monthly updates (as well as weekly site updates) to let everyone know our plans going forward.


And now for getting into the site itself!
The game is still early access to there will likely be a few bugs. If you come across one, please don't keep it to yourself. Let us know and earn the Buggy Achievement!
"Bugs" can be code not working correctly, a 404 or 500 error, or even an image missing from the site.
If you think you've come across a bug that is something like an image missing, please refresh first to make sure it's not an error in the loading or the browser.

As a note, we are still in the process of uploading a few of the traits to go with the items that were recently uploaded, but they should be available soon today.

Registration Keys

We're starting to go through the surveys and sending out registration keys and rewards.
If you haven't yet, please fill out your survey so we can contact you regarding your account and rewards.

If we haven't reached out to you by 6pm EST, feel free to reach out to us.

Legacy Enivi

If you're a returning player from World of Eniv and have an Enivi that you'd like to have registered, you can find the form under My Activity within the game's navigation bar. Feel free to register any existing Enivi here, but please be patient with us as we get them approved and uploaded.

Getting Started

Finally, we'd recommend reading over our Getting Started guide located under Resources in the navigation bar.

If anyone has any questions, we'll be here for you all day. We're excited to see the game finally being played and to building our community again!



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