New Bases, New Titles, and More!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by OakAntlers


Let's start the week off right with some site updates.

Firstly, we have two new rare bases for you to collect, Woodland and Still Mirror!

Woodland can be found through exploring the Dark Forest, while Still Mirror can be found (you guessed it) by fishing.
There's no crafting required for these bases, but they are rare, so we wish everyone luck in finding them.

WoodlandStill Mirror

Beauty Contest Updates

We've fixed the formatting for the Beauty Contest (which now will adjust properly to your screens instead of stretching them out - sorry about that). 

We'd also like to give the option to have a Beauty Contest exclusive skin (like the Woodland and Still Mirror skins above), but to justify the time put into it, we'd like to see more people participating. 

If we can have an average of 8 individuals entering in a 4 week span, we'll create a Beauty Contest exclusvie base to include for first prize!

If there's a specific reason you're not interested in the Beauty Contest, we also want to know that. What can we do to make things more interesting?

Lead Moderator Position

A big congratulations is in order for Synesthesia, who has been promoted to Lead Moderator!

Syn has been a huge help to the community and we're very excited to have her stepping into this slot. 

Thank you to Syn, our whole staff team, and our players for supporting the game!




Synesthesia Avatar
Thank you for being a great site! I'm looking forward to getting both of those bases eventually. I think the fishing one is gonna get put on Nightshade.

2022-09-26 04:43:19

FireatHeart Avatar
FireatHeart Staff Member
Congrats Syn! Might be looking to make an enivi with the explore base and the end of autumn marking👀

2022-09-26 07:03:41

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