Site News

August General News + Updates!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Grey


Welcome to our first general news + update post.


Happy monday ladies, theydies and gentlefriends!

A big thank you for joining us for our game's Early Access opening!

As many of you know, yesterday was day 1 of our Early Access launch, and we’ve been sending out registration keys to all of our Backers from Kickstarter. We had a pretty great start, squashing bugs and shaking off some of the cobwebs from our WoE staffing days.

We have a few things to go over today, so let's just jump right into it.

Tips for new members

With so many of our members being new to the features we've added, we assembled some quick tips for players to help them jump start their gameplay!

  • Don't forget to check out your Daily Loot Box! You can find that and other activities to do under the World Map. If you stay current and can do it consistently each day, you'll be awarded very rare prizes! Along the way you'll receive a bunch of useful crafting/research items, and some accessories, traits, and maybe even some other, more exclusive things...
  • Once you have your first Enivi created and approved, adopted, or imported, you can start completing prompts! These can be found under the World menu. They each award currency, exp, and or a combination of items!
  • As you go through the world, you'll collect items and can begin crafting new and improved gear, items that let you change your Enivi's colors/markings, and get a better feel for your Enivi themselves.


Check out our social media for more tips!

Speaking of tips! Our team also makes a point to be active on:




(Although our Tumblr is newly created!)

These sites will be resources as well as ways to @ us so we can see all of the wonderful work you're doing! 

If there's anything you don't want to upload to the website yet, but would like to tag us on to show us, we'll make a point to look at all of the @’s we get.

Combining the topic of social media and tips, if you tag any work you do related to Eniv and it’s inhabitants with #KeepersofEniv we'll be sure to check it out on those and other art-related sites.


Art Pack Updates!

Yesterday we realized we overlooked a key detail for the art packs under resources, and how they're best utilized by our members. We've made some steps to improve things for everyone:

  • We've begun adding transparent .png versions of each trait/marking/item.
  • We'll continue to have .psd files with masking layers available to help folks who have programs which keep the masking layer settings when importing a .psd file.
  • Our .psd and .png files alike will still be organized by marking/trait, so that they're easy to find.

We'd also like to make a few suggestions for folks who don't know where to begin when choosing an art program, and who are maybe entirely new to the idea of digital artwork.

Some free art programs which are frequently used in ARPG communities:

  • The Gimp (A surprisingly robust free program. The GIMP has been the opensource community's answer to Photoshop since the 90s.)
  • Fire Alpaca (Doesn't import the masks, but can handle PNGs just fine!)
  • Medibang (Known for being a great program for comic and manga inspired art!)
  • Krita (A frequently well-loved program of choice for many artists, both new and experienced.)

Some program suggestions for folks who are okay buying them and would like even more suggestions:

  • Clip Studio Paint (Comparable to Photoshop in capabilities, but considerably cheaper. The less upgraded version runs 50 USD normally, but they have 40-80% off sales 2-5 times a year.)
  • Photoshop (A classic. Most folks know of it, and it's hard to find a program with as large a community. But Photoshop can be expensive.)
  • Corel Painter (Another big name! Expensive but impressive paint blending.)
  • ArtRage (Much cheaper option!)
  • Paint Tool SAI (Another much cheaper option.)

There's so many more as well! Apps like Procreate are brought up often, especially when folks discuss drawing on their mobile devices. 

There's a lot of different features that vary between each of these, but just about any program that can handle transparency and layers should be able to help you use the art packs. :D


Adoption center additions.
  • We had some new additions to The Adoption Center yesterday! There’s still some Enivi left waiting to go to good homes. Take a look if you haven’t and see if any strike your fancy! 
  • Periodically throughout the month we’ll restock The Adoption Center with new Enivi! These could be cheap-to-adopt Enivi with common traits, or these could even be much more expensive Enivi with traits that can go up to Legendary.
  • If an Enivi isn’t adopted within a few days of being put up, they might leave and return at another date. So if there’s one you’ve had your eye on for a few days, be sure to grab them sooner rather than later. They might go try their luck somewhere else!



Upcoming traits / markings / items, and more tips!


  • For anyone who has a Druaesi MYO we have a bunch of new traits uploaded for the Druaesi in particular! This clan uses it’s own specialty traits, which other clans sometimes are unable to utilize. It gives a lot of opportunity for unique looks amongst your herd.
  • We’ve got a bunch of new specialty Soul Orbs uploaded as well! You can check them out in the Encyclopedia page, under the World menu at the top navigation bar. :D 
  • Speaking of specialty Soul Orbs. Some of them are added now as rewards for completed research in Drukworth’s Academy!
  • On the note of Drukworth’s Academy, you can find that on the World Map page as well.


Finally, last but not least in terms of upcoming accessories, items, and traits:

We’ve got some Summer/Beach themed items coming up!


Legacy Enivi

We’ve begun the process of uploading and approving the Legacy Enivi that folks have been submitting to us. 

We’ve been trying to knock out the list each day, so our current ETA if you’ve sent one in and are still waiting is about a day or so!

If you're a returning player from World of Eniv and have an Enivi that you'd like to have registered, you can find the form under My Activity within the game's navigation bar. Feel free to register any existing Enivi here, but please be patient with us as we get them approved and uploaded.


Fishing! Oh, dear fishing. 

We’ve noticed that the Fishing game hasn’t been behaving quite as we anticipated. 

Not to worry, our dev team is working hard to get this fixed up, and we’ve got our coder already on it. :D



Closing statements.

I can't express how thrilled I am for Early Access to have finally arrived and for all of the help from our wonderful Backers so far finding errors and squashing little bugs as we go. Y'all have been integral to this process and I am very thankful! 

I'm also feeling very excited for many more days getting to hang out with folks as the game comes together. I also love all of the feedback we've been getting about the traits, markings, accessories, and features so far. 

That feedback is definitely a huge priority for Tony and I as we get things ready for full launch, and we intend to keep it high priority for the duration of each major game update after that. You folks expressing the things you like and things you want to see will help us focus our efforts where people want them most. 


At the end of the day, it's thanks to you that Keepers of Eniv can be a fun game with awesome people in it's community. 
- Greyson

Welcome Kickstarter Backers

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by OakAntlers


It's Time!

Welcome Kickstarter Backers!
It's time for early access to the site. We're working on getting the emails out and communicating with everyone about their rewards. There are a few notes we'd like to address for the game in early access;


August 1st (today) is the day we open for our Kickstarter backers.
We're expecting there to be a few fixes as far as bugs and quality of life updates during this period of higher player activity.
We'll also be adding in a few more features, genes, and accessories, though that's to be expected going forward for the life of the game.
In terms of staff, we'll be looking at the weight load of our current player base vs our expected player base and will hire as needed.

September 2nd we'll be opening for more members and continuing to do this in waves so we can adjust the gameplay, staff level, and economy as needed.

Going forward, we'll be doing monthly updates (as well as weekly site updates) to let everyone know our plans going forward.


And now for getting into the site itself!
The game is still early access to there will likely be a few bugs. If you come across one, please don't keep it to yourself. Let us know and earn the Buggy Achievement!
"Bugs" can be code not working correctly, a 404 or 500 error, or even an image missing from the site.
If you think you've come across a bug that is something like an image missing, please refresh first to make sure it's not an error in the loading or the browser.

As a note, we are still in the process of uploading a few of the traits to go with the items that were recently uploaded, but they should be available soon today.

Registration Keys

We're starting to go through the surveys and sending out registration keys and rewards.
If you haven't yet, please fill out your survey so we can contact you regarding your account and rewards.

If we haven't reached out to you by 6pm EST, feel free to reach out to us.

Legacy Enivi

If you're a returning player from World of Eniv and have an Enivi that you'd like to have registered, you can find the form under My Activity within the game's navigation bar. Feel free to register any existing Enivi here, but please be patient with us as we get them approved and uploaded.

Getting Started

Finally, we'd recommend reading over our Getting Started guide located under Resources in the navigation bar.

If anyone has any questions, we'll be here for you all day. We're excited to see the game finally being played and to building our community again!

Seeking Volunteer Moderators

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by admin


We're currently looking for volunteer moderators for both the site and Discord server.
Volunteer moderation is an act of love. This position requires someone who wants to help the community grow and is more about leading members to the right information than anything else.

Responsibilities Include;

  •  Helping our community members locate information, guides, and activities.
  •  Answering questions about Keepers of Eniv, our activities, prompts, and events.
  •  Defusing tense situations.
  •  Reporting abusive behavior and rule breaks to the admin staff.
  •  Being a good H.O.S.T. to our community (Helping Others and Saying Thanks).

What we're looking for;

  •  Fun, upbeat people who have a passion for ARPGs and SIM games. 
  • Individuals who are understanding, patient, and upholding our core values.
  •  The ability to guide someone to resources without being condescending or getting openly frustrated.
  •  Strong written communication skills are a must.
  •  People who are not afraid to ask questions of other staff members when they’re unsure themselves.

There is a mandatory training session that lasts about an hour and a half, which is done over VC in our Discord server.

We're only looking for one or two people as of now, and will bring on more as the game grows.

Applications can be sent to with the title "Volunteer Moderator".




Discord ID:

Are you currently in the Keepers of Eniv server?

Were you in World of Eniv?

Are you at least 18 years old? 

What is your current availability and do you expect this to change in the next 3 months?

Do you have any past moderation experience? If yes, please elaborate.

What was a difficult social situation you found yourself in, and how did you resolve it?

Sometimes explaining technical problems is necessary to help others. For this part of the application, please explain in clear steps how to unlock a smartphone: