Prompt Categories
Winter Prompts
These chilly prompts are available December through February.
My Sweet Enivi Convention
The My Sweet Enivi convention is a celebration of Kidhood memories and the way the series has changed Eniv through history.
Prompts in this catagory are only available when the My Sweet Enivi convention is ongoing.
Welcome to Eniv
These prompts will help you get settled into your account, learn the site, and get settled into Eniv!
February Month of Love
A month of Self Care, Community Care, and building better habits!
Explore Eniv
Have your Enivi explore different areas of Eniv.
Weekly Prompts
These are prompts that can be repeated weekly.
Out of the Box
Fun prompts designed to help you break out of your comfort zone.
Lunae's Festival 2023
The category for the prompts related to Lunae's Festival of Eyes.
Guiding Lights Celebration
These prompts are strictly for the Guiding Lights Celebration research tree.
23 results found.