[Open] Dullahan

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by admin


Spooky and magical, Dullahan is looking for a new place to call home.

Wandering the mists of the wood, existing somewhere between light and shadow, this strange Ortusi is looking for a new herd to call their own.

Created by our amazing new Guest Artist, Azreonn, this Ortusi is the showrunner for our new Dullahan trait! They come with custom-created artwork by Azreonn, with hand-drawn traits and a never before seen way to make Earthen Scales really pop.

This Enivi has a load of difficult to obtain seasonal traits, like the Necromancer's Curse, Inner Glow, and Hornless traits!

The auction for this Enivi will only last one week, so be sure to grab them while you can, and will start at a steal of only $200 for the artwork and all those wonderful traits.

Make Dullahan yours today!

Purchase Notes:

This Enivi is up for auction, starting at $200 USD with an autobuy of $400 USD.
100% of the profits of this Enivi will go to the Guest Artist. Payment will be made directly to the artist. Once payment is confirmed by the artist, the Enivi will be transfered to the user.
This Enivi design can be purchased without auction with the auto-buy price. To purchase the Enivi, simply comment on the post that you would like to buy them or DM Tony on Discord to arrange payment.
Dullahan is first-come-first-served, meaning the first person who offers to claim this Enivi and is the first to purchase them.
Payment is due at the time of purchase.


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