Okapi MSE
A natural color pattern, perfect for blending into the jungle.
Mossy MSE
Joe has something in common with this MSE! Maybe don't say that to him, though.
Gem Vision Flutterby Ice MSE
This rare, beautiful My Sweet Enivi is cool as ice!
Gem Vision Flutterby White MSE
This rare, beautiful My Sweet Enivi was the first Gem Vision Flutterbly My Sweet Enivi!
Gem Vision Lavender Sky MSE
This rarer version of the scroll series' hero, Lavender Sky, is more difficult to find than the normal version - and still smells like lavender!
Barium Flames MSE
Some Enivi say that green fire can burn hotter than orange, it's not agreed upon though. Wouldn't it really come down to what is being burned as fuel?
Glow in the Dark MSE
This My Sweet Enivi glows in the Dark!
Hottest Flame Glow in the Dark MSE
This My Sweet Enivi is the color of the hottest flame and glows in the dark!
Indi MSE
My Sweet Enivi's biggest fan, it's only appropriate for Indi to have their own My Sweet Enivi!
Lightning Kintsugi MSE
Kintsugi is an art form where powdered gold, platinum, or silver is dusted onto a special lacquer which is used to fill cracks in pottery. This particular variation seems to use powdered lightning! Shocking!
Kintsugi MSE
Kintsugi is an art form where powdered gold, platinum, or silver is dusted onto a special lacquer which is used to fill cracks in pottery.
Inverted Sunset Dun MSE
Woah! Sunset Dun seems to have an alternate. Maybe it's rare?
Inverted Candy Stripes MSE
A rare inverted version of the Candy Stripes My Sweet Enivi!
We're... not sure exactly what this smells like?
It's not bad but it's... something?
Inverted Gem Vision Lavender Sky MSE
If you thought Gem Vision Lavender Sky was rare just try to find the Inverted Gem Vision version!
This one smells like... mint?!
Inverted Hearts Aplenty MSE
This inverted version of the scroll series' protagonist, Hearts Aplenty, is just as welcoming - just a little more edgy.