

Dapple (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
Species: Enivi
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This marking creates a wash of dappled patterning over the coat.

There are no restrictions on where this can be applied to the body of your Enivi.

This trait may be color-shifted with a Color Changing Potion.

This marking may not overlap onto long-furred tail (staff discretion) or hair traits. It may overlap onto manes.


Flecks (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
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Delicate flecks of contrasting colors grace the coat with this marking, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow. These subtle variations could be likened to the gentle presence of guard hairs in the fur.
While the standard marking available in the Character Creator is limited to the back, Flecks offer the flexibility to adorn as much or as little of your Enivi as your heart desires.

Feel free to experiment with the enchanting possibilities of this trait by using a Color Changing Potion to shift its hues.

This marking cannot overlap onto hair or long-furred tail traits (staff discretion) but can overlap onto mane traits. 


Piebald (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
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Piebald patterns are captivating, irregular markings that gracefully sprawl across expansive areas of the body.

While the Character Creator has pre-determined markings, there are no boundaries on which area of the body these patterns can embellish or the shapes they can form, as long as the distinctive essence of a piebald marking is maintained.

Feel free to unlock the full spectrum of creative possibilities by experimenting with color shifts using a Color Changing Potion for this trait.

This marking can overlap onto hair, tail, and mane traits, and only needs one marking applicator for any single color anywhere on the body. 


Appaloosa (Rare)

Category: Markings
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Appaloosa markings elegantly emulate the distinctive spotted patterns seen on Appaloosa horses, showing their expansive spotted blankets or coats.

Although the Character Creator presents a pre-defined coverage for this marking, the freedom is yours to embellish your Enivi with as much or as little of this captivating pattern as you desire, as long as you are showcasing the unmistakable charm of the Appaloosa marking.

Unlock your creativity further by experimenting with color shifts using a Color Changing Potion for this trait.

This marking can overlap onto tail, hair, scale, or mane traits.


Belly (Free)

Category: Markings
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A graceful marking adorning the belly of your Enivi.

While this marking may be shown with a soft or hard edge, it should remain within the specified area shown in the example and not extend beyond.

Feel free to infuse your Enivi's unique style by experimenting with color shifts using a Color Changing Potion for this trait!

This marking can overlap onto mane/scale traits that extend onto an Enivi's belly.


Tips (Free)

Category: Markings

This enchanting marking introduces a burst of color to the ear tips, tail tip, snout tip, and/or around the eyes, allowing you to customize features such as a white-tipped Fluffy Fox Tail or a delightful pink nose!

Feel free to play with your palette and select any color you desire, ensuring it remains within the specified area, as demonstrated in the example.

Show off your Enivi's unique look by customizing this marking with using a Color Changing Potion to change the color!

NOTE: This marking isn't available in the Character Creator and is intended for people adding small, hand-made details to their Enivi.

This marking can overlap traits, as long as it remains within the specified example area.


Blanket (Common)

Category: Markings
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The Blanket marking gives a seamless sweep of color encompassing the top portion of your Enivi's coat.

While it can cover less, the showcased example represents the maximum allowable area for this marking, and the marking should still clearly be identifiable as a Blanket marking.

Explore the realm of creative possibilities by experimenting with color shifts using a Color Changing Potion for this trait!

This marking can overlap onto scale, hair, tail, and mane traits. 


Blaze (Common)

Category: Markings
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The Blaze marking is a streak gently accentuating your Enivi's face from snout to forehead.
It comes in subtle variations, offering a touch of color, a delicate stripe, or a modest abstract shape inspiring the Enivi's name.

Showcase your Enivi's unique personality by choosing any color, but remember to keep the marking within the allowed space shown in the example.

Experiment with a Color Changing Potion for a subtle transformation that adds a hint of magic to your Enivi's look!

This marking can overlap onto hair and scale traits.


Pangare (Common)

Category: Markings
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Pangare bestows a touch of color upon the distinguished features of your Enivi – the snout, the areas encircling the eyes, and their graceful legs and belly.

This distinctive marking may elegantly showcase either a soft or hard edge and may be shifted to any color your heart desires. While the marking may take up a smaller area than demonstrated in the example, it must not extend beyond this limit, and always ensure it retains the distinct characteristics of pangare.

Indulge in the magic of color by exploring the use of a Color Changing Potion for this trait.

This marking may overlap with tail, hair, mane, and scale traits.


Saddle (Common)

Category: Markings
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Give your Enivi a graceful burst of color that extends over your their shoulders and back with this exquisite marking.

The color palette for this marking is virtually limitless, allowing for a stunning variety. However, it should not exceed the size shown in the provided example.

Explore the enchanting potential of color shifts with a Color Changing Potion for this delightful trait.

This marking may overlap with scale, hair, and mane traits which are in it's limited size range.


Siamese (Common)

Category: Markings
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The Siamese marking artfully mirrors that of a Siamese cat, adorning your Enivi with colored markings on the face and extending gracefully up the legs. This distinctive trait may also encompass the full tail and ears.

While the marking is flexible in terms of color, allowing for a range of possibilities, it's important to note that the face and legs should only be covered up to the extent demonstrated in the example. The legs, however, must be covered no less than to the knee.

Dive into the world of color transformations by utilizing a Color Changing Potion for this versatile marking.

This marking can overlap with scale traits.


Speckles (Common)

Category: Markings
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Infuse your Enivi's coat with the charm of small dots and speckles, a delightful burst of colors that offers the flexibility to cover as much or as little of your Enivi's body as desired.
From dainty freckles to a captivating full-body array of small dots, the choice is yours, and you may opt for any single color.

There are no restrictions on coverage for the speckles, provided they refrain from merging to imitate other markings, such as spots, stardust, or a fleabitten pattern.

Unleash your creativity by color-shifting this marking using a Color Changing Potion for an extra touch of individuality.

This marking can overlap with scales, many short-furred tails, and with manes, but not with hair traits.


Spotted (Common)

Category: Markings
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Immerse your Enivi in a canvas of vibrant hues with this enchanting marking, scattering large, colorful spots across their coat.

These sizable spots, available in any solid color, allow you the freedom to decide how much or how little of your Enivi's coat is adorned. A single spot or many - it's up to you!

Although there are no specific restrictions on coverage, exercise caution to ensure the spots do not mimic other markings, such as appaloosa or speckles.

Take your Enivi's appearance to new heights by experimenting with color shifts through the use of a Color Changing Potion for this captivating marking.

This marking can overlap with scales, manes, and many short-furred tails (staff discretion) but not with hair traits.


Star (Common)

Category: Markings
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Highlight your Enivi's distinct personality with the elegant Star marking!

This beautiful feature may take the form of a subtle or pronounced shape on your Enivi's forehead, gracefully extending down between their eyes. Whether it's a symmetrical design resembling a diamond or an abstract formation like a heart, let your creativity shine.

Dress your Enivi in the hue of your choice, as the Star marking welcomes any solid color, ensuring it remains within the confines of the example's size.

Elevate the allure by experimenting with color shifts using a Color Changing Potion for this stellar marking!

This marking can overlap with scale or horn traits.


Brindle (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
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Enhance your Enivi's allure with the stylish Brindle marking, painting elegant vertical streaks through their coat!

This captivating marking is a canvas for creativity, allowing you to choose any color and determine the coverage that suits your Enivi's aesthetic preferences.

Feel free to explore the art of color transformation by using a Color Changing Potion for this exquisite marking.

This marking can overlap with tail, scale, hair, or mane traits. 


Dun (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
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Embrace the equine elegance with the Dun marking, reminiscent of the distinctive dun pattern found in horses.

This marking boasts a dorsal stripe, a subtle marking up the snout, and stockings that gracefully fade into leg stripes.

Dun markings invite a spectrum of solid colors, ensuring they stay within the size boundaries illustrated in the example.

Unleash your creativity by experimenting with color shifts through the use of a Color Changing Potion for this sophisticated marking.

This marking can overlap with hair, tail, mane, or scale traits.


Hooded (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
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Grant your Enivi a distinctive flair with the beautiful Hooded marking!

This remarkable marking introduces a change in color to the head of your Enivi.

While the palette for this marking is vast, ensuring a seamless integration, it is essential to keep the size within the boundaries of the example provided.

Explore more options with color experimentation with a Color Changing Potion for this unique and captivating marking!

This marking can overlap with scale, horn, or hair traits.

Zebra Stripes

Zebra Stripes (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
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Embrace the untamed allure of Zebra Stripes!

Zebra stripes showcase long vertical stripes that occasionally extend in bold "V" shapes.  Adorn your Enivi's entire coat or selectively cover smaller areas - the choice is entirely yours!

With the flexibility to be showcased in any color, there are no limits to the coverage, as long as the essence of zebra stripes is retained.

Unleash a burst of creativity by experimenting with color shifts using a Color Changing Potion for this captivating and wild marking, or combine with the Gradient Marking Effect for some truly unique creations!

This marking can overlap with any trait that it's stripes touch. Hair, tail, mane, scales, horns, wings, etc. can all be striped. 


Rosettes (Uncommon)

Category: Markings

Elevate your Enivi's elegance with the Rosette marking, a captivating pattern reminiscent of nature's own floral artistry.

Delicate circular or oval-shaped spots, resembling the graceful arrangement of rose petals, adorn your Enivi's coat with an optional lighter color within. These rosettes may vary in size, creating a mesmerizing pattern that adds a touch of sophistication to your Enivi's appearance. Choose up to two of colors to start to bring this exquisite marking to life, one for the 'petals' and one for the inner area of the marking, to fully capture your Enivi's unique charm.

Feel free to adorn your Enivi with this marking, allowing it to grace as much or as little of their form as you desire.

Experiment with vibrant color variations or expand your palette and add more colors with a Color Changing Potion!

This marking can overlap with short-furred tail, mane, or scale traits.

Thylacine Stripes

Thylacine Stripes (Rare)

Category: Markings
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Druaesi Bark
Druaesi Earthen
Druaesi Woodgrain

Unleash your wild side with Thylacine markings!

Revel in the allure of these dynamic features, where a lighter patch of color serves as the canvas for bold stripes cascading over the lower back and hips.

Express your creativity with a spectrum of colors for both the stripes and the light patch, ensuring the latter remains lighter than the former.

While the marking's size shouldn't exceed the provided example, feel free to experiment with color shifts using a Color Changing Potion to enhance its wild charm!

This marking can overlap with tail, hair, or scale traits. 

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